onsdag 11. mars 2009

This is for you

Ja, sio eg skrive litt for lite ifølge noken persona, så tenkte eg at eg skulle bli flinkare. Er ferdig med alle leksene mine for kvelden, så no har eg tid. 
Men saken er at eg har i grunn ingeting å skriva om .  Da skjer ingeting i vekedagane. Men viss dåke vil høra noken av  dei fabelaktige samtalane eg har hatt her  nere både med amrikanske og europesike studenta, so keep on reading.

Sarah: It smell like smelly feet here. It´s disqusting.
Meg: I though you likes smelly feet ? 
Sarah: No i don´t. I like hairy feet. 
Mari: Oh, i am sorry but i can ´t tell the difference. 

I government class.
Mr McDonald: Miss Norway, what is the name of the movie where a man steal from the king and gives it back to the poor? 
Meg: Oh, that´s easy. Robin Hood.
Mr McDonald: That´s right, but do you know who the king he steel from is ? 
Meg: Oh yeah, the tiger.
Mr. McDonald: The tiger  ?
Meg: Yeah, or a lion. i am not sure. But anyway, you know, he has a friend who is a snake. 
Mr McDonald: Oh, you are talking about the cartoon. Do you know who the king was in the real life.?
Meg: Sure... The mean one.. 
Mr McDonald: good answar, but he actually got a name. Do you know that ?
Meg: You wanted his name.. Why didn´t you just say so, it´s John!

During lunch. 
Monica: Mari, i want to come to Norway one day. 
Meg: Oh okay. Good for you . 
Monica: Is that all you gonna say ? You don´t have any tips where i can go, what to bring, and where to stay, and who i can visit. ????????? 
Meg: Oh sure. bring your raincoat. 
Monica: And? 
Meg: You should bring a lot of money. Norway is not a cheap country to travel in. 
Monica: MARI! Are you not going to ask me if i want to come and visit you? :(
Meg: Oh, you know what Monica, you should come and visit me... 
Monica: You see, that was not to hard for you to say :)

Igjen meg å Monica.
Monica: Why do you have some many boobs ? 
Mari: So many, i only got two.
Monica: Only two, you have at least 5.
Meg: Haha, you are so funny Monica. 
Monica: No, i am being serious. You got five. Don´t that get really heavy? And it´s bad for you back. You should put them in your locker.
Meg: I am sorry Monica, I really don´t understand what you are talking about. And why would i put them in my locker. No, first of all how do I get them in the locker. And second of all how do you get your boobs off ? 
Monica: You see it is really easy........no wait, did you say boobs? 
Meg: Yeah 
Monica: Oh I was talking about books!
Meg: Oh, it all makes sense now

Okey, kanskje ikkje da kjekaste å lesa, men da er no vertfall eit innlegg. So be happy!

5 kommentarer:

Tone sa...

Du e og Miss Norway, ja?:P Same here! Hmm... Eg fekk nett ein ide!:D

Anonym sa...

Haha! Da der e da kjekkaste eg har lest på ei god stund! Fekk iallefall meg våken ein tidleg torsdagsmorgon! Veit du ka?:D Eg hadde fagdag fri i går, og da har eg i MÅRO OG!:D

Anonym sa...

Kjempefine historier Mari, me lo godt Magnus og meg. Gleda oss te å sjå deg igjen...ps, du kan jo innhenta ein del tips om kva me bør få med oss på turen ned til California. Pappa

Anonym sa...

Kjekt å lesa : ) Ikkje alltid lika lett... ; D Når det gjeld regnjakke, så treng ein iallefall den og støvlane her i kveld. Håpar du har da varmare og tørrare enn her. Ha det bra! <3 tante Tin

Anonym sa...

Haha! Da var gøy å lesa!:D
du må leggja ut fleire sånne samtala visst da blir meir missforståelsa;D klem Stine<3